Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Best Grinder Mixer In India

I go home for Christmas! As nougat! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
We are well Valentina and I, the first month has been a little hard, between cesarean section and having a baby at home ... but it's over, I have no time to cook and I'm also dieting, recovering My weight slowly.
I left you a traditional recipe and province of Huesca, very appropriate for this day.
With these measures go about 4 empanadicos. Each bowl is equal to a glass of water. You can freeze the dough before fermentation, then thawed and left to ferment.
oil 1 bowl 1 bowl of sugar
2 bowls of warm-hot water
30 gr fresh yeast
4 eggs 1 cup anise dulce
1 kg de harina panificable sin gluten (PROCELI)
calabaza cruda y cortada muy fina
pasas remojadas
mezclar un para de cucharadas de azúcar con canela
chorrito de aceite de oliva
Pintar con aceite y espolvorear de harina un papel de horno.
Disolver la levadura en parte de agua de los 2 tazones.
Mezclar en un bol todos los ingredientes hasta conseguir fine and homogeneous mass. It takes quite kneading.
Let the mixture stand covered, or in the oven (50 °) for one hour.
Extender with a rolling mass amounts as large as you want to be the empanadico. Once you have filled, we take a little sugar and cinnamon and cover with another amount of mass equal and close the edges joining the two masses.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture, and a little oil, make holes in the ground to breathe.
Bake about 30 minutes at 180 º.


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