Friday, April 8, 2011

First Birthday Money Gift

I love your blog

Ellen Kipuruki The Garden gave me this award .

This award makes me very happy because I love how to draw and everything he does and is an honor to receive an award from her.

is so generous to me that one of their princesses and one of its matrioskas dared to cross the ocean and look every so often on my lapel.

beautiful !!!!!! Thanks

other hand I tell them I'm very happy because my nephew was born Fulvio. This time I get to be aunt to the distance (it is more difficult than I thought, I'm dying to make upa).

nice weekend. Flavia

PS: I have abandoned the amigurumi, but I am preparing something for Easter. I am weaving many necklaces, but some were not able to photograph them. As can upload some tissue.


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